So of course I am now reading all sorts of literature about how to handle it. And even bought The Sneaky Chef to see if I could make some seemingly yummy snacks that were sneakily hiding healthy things. At least to get us through this period of time. I haven't tried an actual recipe yet but will let you know when I do.
My latest idea, which came up spontaneously is what I like to call my "Lunchtime Lecture Series".
My impromptu chart drawn on the chalk board in our kitchen describes any information I could remember from my middle school health class. We had lots of fun thinking of things in each category and watching mommy try to draw them (we combined fruit and veggies into one). And now at meal times we look at our plate and decide which category each thing is in. There should be one thing from each group on her plate. A challenge to A to eat them all. And quite frankly a challenge to mom to supply all four!
Doing a little more research I found a Nourish Interactive that has some great information and lots of printables for parents and kids.
Although its been a short period of time, I think its working! At least on the education side. Tonight we talked about all the parts of her pizza.....Ok. Maybe there is still work to be done. :-)
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